Wednesday 28 February 2018

Snow right, is it?


Not exactly Scandanavia, are we?  And Canada would laugh it off.  Meanwhile a bit of snow and Scotland grinds to a halt.  OK, a bit more snow than we've seen for a while, but, although we laugh at the overreaction, and media hysteria, coming from the overbearing self importance of south east England, we don't seem to having all that much success here in keeping things going.  And this is the capital city....

Buses no longer running, people sent home from work early, schools shut down.  And this was Waverley Station shortly after 5 on a weekday. 

Normally I'd barely be even to stand still without being jostled by knackered commuters, and this board would be full up with trains leaving in the next 15 minutes.  Instead there are just 6, 1 of them cancelled, and 2 that should have already left.  There's only 1 arrival looking to be in on time, and there's a London train more than and hour and a half late.  And one rather pissed off looking rail employee.  Shouldn't we be doing better than this?

On the plus side, lots of workers can get a hint of the joys of being retired....