Tuesday 2 July 2019

Walking, advocacy and kilts 8


I've enjoyed my practice walks so far (with the obvious exception of last week!), and have felt comfortable with the distances I've walked.  To the extent that, although I'm committed to the 15 mile distance this year, there's a part of my brain wondering if in 2020 I should attempt the longer distance of 25 miles, before I start to get too old to have a go.  And then there are days like today, when the idea comes up and my brain just goes "Naaaawww".

Although my injuries from the fall last week were minor, there was a pain in my ribs stopped me from doing much exercise.  Add in a mild summer cold and I wan't feeling my best.  Ho hum, there will be days like that, and I'm pleased I still did the distance I was aiming for, albeit a lot more slowly than usual.  I'd been to the Mail depot near Portobello to pick up a parcel, so I started the walk from there, along Seafield and the dock road to the river, then up the water of Leith Walkway to Murrayfield Stadium.  With the odd detour along the way it was just a bit under ten miles.  In a painfully slow three hours.  At least I know I can do better.  At least I did it.

The most exciting moment of the journey was having a wee Leith woman shout abuse at me.  She and her pal were busy gabbing, left me little room on a narrow path, and out arms slightly bumped together.  From her reaction you'd have thought I'd gone the full Mark Field!  I walked on, leaving the swans to cope with the 'interesting' language.

More variety in my voluntary duties last week, with a guy who needs a referral to a psychologist, but feels he's being blocked.  I made a phone call which may help.  And there was another PIP assessment, rarely a cheerful assignment as the service user is so stressed by the proceedings.  But, as is often the case, he felt he couldn't have got through it if he hadn't had someone along.  It's nice to feel necessary sometimes.

Now I've made my commitment, and registered on the Kiltwalk site to do what they call The Big Stroll, which is the fifteen and half mile walk.  A team has been set up called "The Devil's Advocates" and I'm hoping half a dozen colleagues will be joining me in it.  We'll even have Advocard tee shirts made up - preferably in a colour that won't clash with my kilt!

This means, inevitably, that I'm going to have to start nagging people for money.  Plenty of time for that yet, with well over two months into the day, but that does mean two months of nagging from me....

Here's a link to my page, and a few wee photos from yesterday's plod.

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