Thursday 25 July 2024

Another Future is possible - it's not this one though



Before the election I felt that Starmer's campaign slogan boiled down to one statement :

"Vote Labour - We promise to be slightly less shit than the tories."

Which was hardly a high bar to stagger over, was it?

And here we are, after only three weeks or so, and already they are barely maintaining to live up to that 'promise'. Within days of taking office we had the immoral sight of Foreign Secretary Lammy happily shaking hands with a far-right, mass-murdering, war criminal. Now we have draconian action against seven MPs who had the audacity to act in line with their consciences and vote against the continuation of a measure that contributes substantially towards existing child poverty. All part of Keir's continuing war against the heart and soul of what Labour should be, and which his namesake did so much towards.

So there's no doubts, are there? Labour is now a right wing party, only a bit less extreme that the lunatics they have replaced. (To be fair they have at least got rid of the crazy and inhumane Rwanda nonsense, and imprisoning asylum seekers on a giant barge.)

Did people really understand what they were voting for? Or simply opted for something that couldn't possibly be worse than what had been endured for fourteen years? Hope seems in short supply right now...

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