Sunday 20 May 2018

The Good, the Bad and the Holiday


Back from a short holiday yesterday.  It's strange what memory comes up with from such a short time ago.  I'll miss these views from the balcony of our room in the morning.

But when I push myself to come up with a list of the three best things about the last five days it looks like this :

1. Grilled sea bass

2. Spaghetti with seafood

3. Fig and almond ice cream

Observant readers may notice an underlying pattern.

And the three worst?

1. Going deaf (I hadn't been in a swimming pool for years)

2.  Groin strain (I hadn't been in a swimming pool for years....)

3. A big blister (I hadn't worn those sandals for months)

Observant readers are already ahead of me.

Of course coming home has it's pleasures.  Mostly the welcome from this wee face :

I even had to eat dinner with her on my lap.

But she seems a bit more relaxed about our being back today.....