Thursday 2 March 2017

Republican times


When Scotland regains it's independence (and I become ever more confident that it's now a when rather than an if) one of the big questions to be answered is what sort of head of state we want to have.  In the 2014 referendum the government said we should retain the monarchy to provide a continuing link with the remainder of what had been the UK.  But is that really what we want, or need?

I hope not.  I've never been a monarchist, never will be,  It seems to me that royalty is the most visible symbol of one of the biggest problems our society has to overcome - inherited power, privilege and wealth.  Unlike the Scandinavian monarchies they look incapable of reform, with obsequious deference such a profound instinct in so much of the media and establishment.  We need a break from all that.

This is about self respect.  In the modern world it's surely important that we are treated as citizens, not subjects.  That must be integral to any concept of democracy.  At least the EU treats us as citizens, but they're even trying to take that right away from us.

Lizzie still, for reasons I fail to understand, is regarded with some affection by much of the public, even in Scotland.  Perhaps because she's managed to remain relatively anonymous in this age of media intrusion, as she still receives the sycophantic treatment.  But Charlie?  I wonder if that will still be the case when the man who talks to plants gets the job (against zero opposition of course)?  We can do so much better.  Anyone who doubts it just needs to look a short distance over the water to the cultured, intelligent and charismatic Michael D Higgins .  What more could you ask for in a head of state?  And what chance that someone of his abilities would come out of a bunch of chinless inbreds?

But the EU referendum travesty has so amplified the Little Englander mentality that those down south will likely want to cling on to the crown as part of their return to the 1950s.

Anyway, as my title above suggests, I don't regard her as my queenie anyway.  She call herself QE2.  But there was never a QE1 of my country.

Most people reading that will jump to the conclusion that I mean Scotland.  Unionists will then point out that Scotland is, at least for now, a part of a country called the UK.  And then find that my answer is still the same.  There was never a Queen Elizabeth of the UK.  Either way you look at it she's just plain queen Liz.  Unless you're stupid enough to think that Britain is the same thing as England....

And finally, we can be rid of that turgid dirge that passes for a national anthem.  Every time I hear it I just wish I was French.

Vive La Republique!

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