Thursday 19 March 2015

Emily doesn't like visitors

I am in the habit of writing every day. Correction. I have an addiction which means I must write every day. It's somehow become an essential part of my day. Not that everything I write then goes on to be read by anyone, that's not really the point. But sometimes I'll pass it on to my wife to have a look at, and some of it ends up on this blog. When I feel there's something I want to say.
In our home the time when I go of to write, whatever time of day that might be, I am then 'being Emily'. The origins of which form a long story I won't go into on this occasion, but suffice to say it doesn't involve me dressing up in any way....
This week we have a couple of old friends staying with us for six days. They're a couple who share so many of the same interests we have that we always have a good time with them, much of it involving, art galleries, live music, theatre, cinema etc., and they will even be attending their first ever ice hockey match with us on Sunday. So it's great to see them again and we'll have fun. My only problem is, Emily doesn't like them being here.
I enjoy playing the host, making people feel at home, making their stay comfortable. This morning I took them tea in bed, tonight I made a truly excellent (sorry, but it's true) chicken curry. We've been to a couple of galleries, a music shop from which we all emerged with the odd CD or two, done some sightseeing, and sampled some of each other's music choices. Good times. But when does the writing bug get satisfied? In the end my compulsion to type is greater than my sense of duty to our guests. So they are all in one room watching a DVD, whilst I am in solitary next door, battering away at the keyboard. Emily demands it and she can not be denied. I'm sure they'll understand (or I'm just confirming their opinion that I'm a bit cracked).

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