Tuesday 26 May 2015

What makes some people so bigoted?


Yes, that's a Twitter conversation between two ukip fanatics, the sort who would block you rather than try to engage in any intelligent conversation because they know how quickly their lies would be exposed. There is no point in challenging their nonsense because no truth or logic is allowed into their bubble.

What makes some people so devoid of empathy, or unable to recognise the consequences of their own actions?  Are they wholly unable to realise that the horrendous bigotry they display is directly responsible for upholding the social attitudes that result in tragedies like this one, and this one?  That they are, effectively, complicit in unwarranted deaths?

It's frequently the case that the worst homophobes are those who have always battled with their own sexuality.  Perhaps that's the case here and these creatures deserve some modicum of pity.  But it's hard to feel any sympathy for someone who is happy to cause suffering in others.

So I wonder what their mothers make of them?  Can they really take any pride in having reared such extreme, damaged and damaging individuals?  Could even a mother love them?

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