Sunday 10 May 2020

Dealing with Lockdown Hair


Lockdown hair.  It's a thing.  A big thing for many people, as roots get ever deeper, showing their true colours.

Mine has been getting a bit wild, but I could live with that.  What was getting annoying was how hot it was making me feel when I was sat down of an evening.  The growth of my mane meant a  decision was growing imminent.  But how radical to go?

Did you watch Friday's The Last Leg?  Faced with a similar decision Adam Hills opted to grab the clippers and carve himself out a mohican.  The reaction of his wife was not available, but he did sport THAT beard for many months, so she's used to surprises.

I don't have such powerful clippers available, so scissors would be required.  Not having any ambition to be the next Van Gogh it seemed a better idea to get a responsible adult to wield them, rather than DIY.  And there's only one responsible adult in the flat, so that narrowed the choice down.  That and the fact that she was itching to have a go, as the pic above suggests.

So here's the Before photos.

And here's the After.

Not that drastic.  And definitely more comfortable.  No blood was spilled in the process, so that's another big positive.  If it goes a bit strange in the coming days more radical options are in reserve, but it'll do for now.

The only slight downside is a bit of a jaggy feel to the hair, but it's not like we happened to have a pair of pro-standard scissors lying around.

But it now means my first trip to the barber, whenever it may be, will result in me saying the same thing as millions of others around the planet.

"What can I do for you today sir?"


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